- Stayed clean
- Got off transleave
- Found a now full time job (went through a couple to get here)
- Pay my own rent
- Stay clean
- Stay away from criminal activity
- Let people go that don't need to be in my life(not always comfortable but feels good after)
- Attend meetings
- Built relationships with family again and stronger with bounderies
- Made new friends
- Got into clean slate for my license
- Utilized resources
Things that I still need to put more effort into:
- My son and how to go about it right
- School (deciding where to go and following up)
- Checking in with Anakha, David, and Gene
- Attend meetings more regulary
- Stay connected to myself
- Check in with self
- Take better care of myself (food, exercise, yogo, meditation, spiritual)
- Listen to others point of view
- Buget money
- Quit smoking
- Read more
- Figure out what set's of my depression and why I push people I care about away!!!
So I'm saying that I am trying to be open to some feedback. If anyone has any ideas. I can be stubborn at first but will think about it and think and think...so I just know some changes need to happen and that although im clean and crime free and I have a place to live and a job to support my self in. I feel something missing and even know what some of it is. Just having trouble figuring out why I can't seem to get the motivation to fix it.