Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm Human...


Appreciation for "Nichole" is hard sometimes. As I am sitting here in my cell at Coffee Creek. I am in prison. Not my first time but my second. Sometimes I am mad, angry, sad, crying to go home. This place isn't scary for me. In fact a lot of people like having me around. I am funny, I act silly, I am positive, wise...I am young but I know I don't know it all, I am respectful, loyal, very honest, smart. I am a really good person. I make mistakes. Sometime I really mess up. But I am human. I own my mistakes wholly and to the fullest. Remembering that I am not a horrible person because I am here. I just need to use this physical prison to break free from the prison of addiction and crime. To break down the barriers I've placed myself within. I am capable of so much more than I can imagine. I will succeed in life. I will get my education, own my salon. I will work my recovery. I will be a great daughter, mother, sister, friend, wife. I am growing inside to its fullest. I am ready to embrace love to its fullest.

Thank you to everyone in my life...Anakha, Timmy, Gene, David, Crystal, Jimmy, Pam, Bill and Keanau and to those I don't know...but I can feel the love and support. Thank you. I love you.


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